Beach Buggy Blitz - excellent beach races with stunning graphics. In the game you will have to drive various cars along various tracks, each of them is totally unpredictable. A fork or a terrible precipice may quite well wait you round the bend. The game uses an excellent engine, which allows the use of cool graphics. All the objects and tracks have high-level design. The game is so unpredictable that one and the same map will have different tracks and bridges on it; even one landscape will have dozens of ways. Control of the game is very realistic. Flying, spray flying apart, sharp turns with drift – everything looks very beautiful and believable. The game may by right be considered one of the best. You will be able to unlock new cars while playing. At first only a low-power Buggy is available for you, but you will have an opportunity to upgrade its various characteristics. Unfortunately, playing the game is available only for the owners of devices with processors Terga 3, which emphasizes the quality of all factors and productivity.